Monday, March 2, 2009

Dr. Carlin's Lecture

In Dr. Carlin's lecture I found her description of Presidential candidates, and how they are perceived to be interesting. I believe it to be true when she says that relatibility to the candidate is important, and I believe this to be most important. I want a candidate who I feel connected with, or someone who can relate to what the middle or working class majority of society is going through. I just found it ironic how Bush came off as being the nice, crowd favorite in 2000, and how quickly he became disliked by the American and other people around the world.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Communities on websites

There are many communities on These communities include the type of blogger interest you desire. For example it can be a political blog, sports blog, entertainment blog, or technological blog. There are many examples of communities.

Communities on websites

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Practicum Project

I have found my site: Basically all I have done is create an account. This includes name, password, and information including sex, age, location. After joining the site, I did a brief review and found bloggers who have similar interest like mine. These blog tages are politics and sports. That is all I've done on my site so far.

Practicum Project

Monday, February 9, 2009

Comparing Profiles

I looked at a couple of my friends profiles on Facebook. After comparison, it is easy to see similarities. If an unknown person were to compare the two profiles they would see fimilar similarities. For example, both were female, married, had pictures of their children, and enjoyed shopping, margaritas, and spending time with family. In conclusion, you can learn a lot buy reading about somebody, and while it doesn't beat face to face interaction, it is a starting point to learn more.

Friday, January 30, 2009

common computer stories

After reading others experiences with computers, I noticed that one common theme is that we started using computers at a very young age. Most of us began in grade school, developing common skills needed, and over time, developed the same requirements for using the computer. I also noticed that I'm not the only person that came from a family that used dial-up.

Experience with Computers

My first ever encounter with a computer came in kindergarten. We started by playing games, and improving reading and math skills. Since then I use the computer for many reasons. I use the internet to check my e-mails in order to stay connected with professors and classmates. I also use internet to program school databases including blackboard, buzz-in, and others. The internet helps me when researching for class papers and projects, as well as for entertainment purposes. This includes shopping, look at sports pages, and facebook. While I still wouldn't consider my a computer expert my any means, I continue to try and improve and learn new programs due to the fact that computers and technology is ever-changing.